Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Frugal In the Garden, Frugal in the Kitchen


Frugality is spending money wisely. Buying a hat is a frugal thing because it will prevent future costly damage that the sun can do to your skin. A girlfriend gave me this cute John Deere hat, and I think of her out on the plains of Nebraska, where she and her husband raise cattle and grain. Every time I wear it, it makes me  happy. Give a friend a hat, and that will make you happy, too.

Last spring, my husband sprayed my lavendar with RoundUp. He said that he thought it was a weed. I invested a bit of money and ordered some metal plant labels. Now all my herbs and flowers are clearly marked. To the untrained husband's eye, this rudbeckia might appear to be an unwanted weed, but now he knows it's not. That makes us both happy, because it's expensive to annually replace perennials. (Note: Follow the link to learn more about rudbeckia. Butterflies love it and deer do not.)

You can find plant labels at local gardening shops or on Internet sites such as the Paw Paw Everlast Label Company, which has been in business for over 60 years up there in Michigan. You can save 5% if you order by snail mail using a check or money order instead of online. A bit old-fashioned, but they have a great selection.

Breakfast During Lean Times: Hot Chocolate & Buttered Toast

One of my favorite breakfasts as a child was a steaming cup of hot chocolate and two slices of warm, buttered toast. I didn't realize it then, but I think that particular breakfast was reserved for times when the budget was tight, or maybe just time. The toast was always cut in half from top to bottom and, when dipped into the chocolate milk, it became silky and comforting in the mouth. The salty butter and sweet chocolate played nicely on the palate, and flavored milk & enriched bread are nourishing. I don't understand parents feeding their children Pop Tarts for breakfast, or ever sending them to school hungry.

I think I'll have some toast and hot chocolate for breakfast now. Happy Day!

With love from me to you,

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